Company Overview


BriteSoft™ believes that the days of extensive coding to build applications are over.
Companies need to react very quickly to business needs and build applications without the huge costs associated with programmers and the myriad of other application development factors.
BriteSoft™ has revolutionised the concept of Business Application Development by
introducing a high degree of manufacturing and industrialisation to this process. The result is a staggering gain in productivity, dramatic reduction in costs and immense customer satisfaction.
BriteSoft™ is a software organisation that focuses on Service Oriented, Rapid Application Development Tools. BriteWorks™ is the name of the flagship product and its objective is to facilitate Effortless Application Creation. BriteWorksTM Studio is the environment used to develop applications while BriteWorksTM Runner (Server, Client, Web, Mobile) is used to run applications.
BriteSoft™ operates under the auspices of the MSC (Multi-Media Super Corridor) in


  • To deliver the best-in-class Holistic Telecom Wholesale Business Management Solution.
  • To provide state-of-the-art software tools which expedite the development and customization of business applications.

Telecom Vision / Strategy

Although BriteSoft’s initial focus was the BriteWorks application development framework, in 2009 the emphasis shifted to Telecom solutions.
Our primary objective is to ensure that Telecom Operators receive the best in class solutions through a holistic business process chain that leaves no gaps in interconnect processes.
We have used our base technology to develop BriteOptimizer, the end to end interconnect / wholesale solution and will continue to enhance this business process. This technology gives us a major advantage over conventionally built applications, as development times are drastically reduced and the benefits of this are passed to our customers in the form or a lower cost of ownership.

Company’s Mantra

BriteSoft strives to be the leader in Telecom Wholesale Business Management. We customize our solution to meet 100% of our customers’ needs in hugely accelerated time frames, yet maintaining quality and lowering the cost of ownership. In other words, we strive to truly realize the dictum below:


  • APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Award) for myGolf2u
  • APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Award) for BriteWorks
  • Pikom Shortlist
  • RedHerring 100 shortlist
  • EPSS 2005, 2006, 2007
  • BriteTrader EPPS 2007
  • Only Malaysian company to be invited to present in
  • MGS – MSC Grant
  • MSC Product Certification

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9