
BriteWorks is to Applications what PowerPoint is to Presentations

Application Development and Customization

  • BriteWorks shields users from complexity
  • It has a completely re-usable Architecture
  • Wizard Based (fill-in-the-blanks)
  • In line with Industry Trends
  • Design Once, Run everywhere
  • Web 2.0 Interfaces
  • There is No Coding !
  • Facilitates Customization!

Effortless Application Development

“What, not How” simplifies development

BriteWorks operates on the principle of “What, not How.” BriteWorks provides a direct mapping of the requirements model – the “WHAT”- to the application model. This results in a high level of transparency while eliminating errors and tedious steps.

Programming languages have no constructs that map to requirements and must go through a series of transformations – the “HOW” – that distort the
requirements to fit the software.

BriteWorks provides the infrastructure, so developers can focus on the business functionality and avoid the menial task of coding that drowns the development effort.

BriteOptimizer General Architecture

The Brite architecture suite is based on industry standards and utilises many of the features in the java stack such as J2ME, J2SE, J2EE, Midlets, Tomcat, MySQL (or any other RDBMS), JSF, Ajax etc.


The solution architecture is depicted in the diagram below:

The following diagram shows how BriteOptimizer fits into the BriteWorks and Java framework:

An example of the deployment architecture in a clustered environment is as follows:

Return on Investment

The BriteOptimizer solution provides an excellent return on investment platform. The following are some of the points that can be considered for ROI:

  • With BriteTrader module, partner rate sheets can be loaded into system and analyzed very efficiently. General practice shows that manual efforts in this area require 3 individuals for at least 2 weeks to load and analyse all rates and destinations for a small to mid size Telco. The automated process requires 1 person for 2 to 3 days.
  • The loaded rates can drive the BriteRouter module to derive the optimal routes to each destination. With this information, the switches can be updated to reflect the optimal routes negotiated with interconnect partners, which will save on cost and increase the revenue. Manual processes mean that routes cannot be updated regularly and negotiated rates may not be implemented in the switches properly, at least when it comes to minimum volume commitments.
  • The BriteConnect module processes wholesale CDRs and generates summaries. These summaries can be used by BriteAccount to generate invoices in time with less manual and error prone work. These modules will increase cash flow and resolve disputes quickly.
  • The Web module enables partners to login to the portal to view their invoices online which brings customer satisfaction and increases communications.
  • Partners can download/upload the rate sheets directly into the Portal, which saves time.
  • Partners may also upload their invoices to the Portal.
  • Well designed analytical reports provides insight into various usage patterns and provides management information for future planning on routes, rates etc.
  • All modules have a dashboard which immediately informs the user of trouble areas that require attention in order to secure revenues.
  • Since BriteOptimizer is developed using the BriteWorks framework, turnaround time for any modifications and change requests are minimal compared to traditionally developed solutions.


Enterprise-ready Operational Services

Business applications, as diverse and unique as they may seem, share many similarities that are almost universally required in enterprise class applications.
These requirements are operational features, known as ‘aspects’ that must be distributed across functional features.
Because of this cross-cutting, implementations of aspects become tangled with
the implementation of functional features, making maintenance difficult.
BriteWorks provides these system functions as services that are automatically invoked without any additional effort.

Access control in BriteWorks is based on a rule-base of authorization options. Authorization rules can quickly define in a coarse-grained way which users may perform which actions on which objects and they have a global scope.

BriteWorks provides the crosscutting function of auditing transactions at a high level of granularity. Authorization rules also govern how the auditing is performed. You have control over specifying what types of events, actions are audited and also audit by named user or by role.

BriteWorks is designed from the ground up to support multilingual and multicurrency deployment. It supports double-byte characters and is compliant with Asian and East European languages.

Web Services
Web Services are provided natively within BriteWorks. Developers are shielded from the intricacies of WSDL and a web service is treated as just another data source to be consumed by BriteWorks.

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